Zimperium’s MAPS

Mobile App Protection Suite (MAPS)

Zimperium’s MAPS

Securing iOS and Android Apps

Mobile apps store critical data and face evolving threats. A protection strategy must be seamless, developer-friendly, and high-performing. Safeguard your apps, data, and customers effectively.

Comprehensive Mobile Application Protection Across the App Lifecycle:

During Development

In the rush of feature delivery, mobile app development necessitates minimizing vulnerabilities and fortifying critical assets.

MAPS Application Security Features:
•Identifies security and compliance risks within your binaries, ongoingly.
•Rapidly isolates vulnerable code, offering easy-to-follow remediation suggestions.
•Seamlessly integrates into your existing development process.


Preventing malicious actions such as reverse engineering, data theft, and vulnerability exploitation becomes paramount.

MAPS Application Security Features:
•Safeguards app source code through code obfuscation and app shielding.
•Detects tampering attempts, allowing for timely response.
•Protects encryption keys with cutting-edge white-box cryptography.

On End-User Devices

Unfamiliar devices introduce an array of risks, from insecure networks to malware. Robust safeguards are a necessity.

MAPS Application Security Features:
•Continuous threat monitoring for resilient protection.
•Empowers apps to proactively secure themselves and enact preset actions.
•Assures protection, even in the absence of network connectivity.
•Facilitates real-time in-app security updates without version changes.

Platform Approach to Mobile App Protection

Mobile app risks span development to usage. Zimperium’s Mobile Application Protection Suite integrates four products, all managed via a central dashboard. It uniquely combines in-app defense, from discovery to proactive safeguarding, unifying inside-out and outside-in security methods.

•zScan: Identify and fix compliance, privacy, and security gaps before app release.
•zKeyBox: Secure cryptographic keys via white-box cryptography to prevent exposure.
•zShield: Fortify the app with robust obfuscation and anti-tampering measures.
•zDefend: Empower the app to proactively safeguard itself, even offline.

Experience holistic app security with Zimperium’s unified platform.
1 %
of software installed on PCs around the world in 2015 were not properly licensed (a decrease from 43% in BSA’s previous global study published in 2014)
1 %
worldwide rate of unlicensed use in banking, insurance and securities industries (despite the fact that much tighter control of the digital environment is expected)
1 billion
The commercial value of unlicensed software worldwide plunged (BSA’s 2014 report cited commercial value of $62.7 billion)

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