Turnkey customized EJBCA Enterprise for Vietnam Government Information Security Commission

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  • Turnkey customized EJBCA Enterprise for Vietnam Government Information Security Commission

PKI implementation for the Vietnamese Government, executed under the aegis of the Vietnam Government Information Security Commission (VGISC).


In the year 2015, Securemetric achieved a significant feat by securing a contract for a comprehensive turnkey PKI implementation for the Vietnamese Government, executed under the aegis of the Vietnam Government Information Security Commission (VGISC). This monumental endeavor aimed to establish a robust turnkey PKI infrastructure to cater to the entirety of the government sectors, in compliance with their legal mandates.

Over the span of more than a year, Securemetric dedicated its expertise and resources to navigate the intricacies of this extensive project. Our unwavering commitment culminated in the successful completion of the venture, complemented by a comprehensive knowledge transfer to the VGISC team. Leveraging their inherent proficiency in cryptography and PKI, the VGISC team has achieved the capability to independently operate and further innovate upon the established PKI setup. This accomplishment not only positions VGISC as an exemplar within the Indochina region but also attests to the transformative power of Securemetric’s collaborative endeavors.

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