The Key To Secure Access

FIDO Token

Trusted & Secure

FIDO U2F is an open authentication standard that enables internet users to securely access any number of online services, with one single device, instantly and with no drivers or client software needed.

FIDO U2F provides two user experiences to address a wide range use cases and deployment scenarios: Passwordless UX (UAF) and Second Factor UX (U2F).
1 %
of software installed on PCs around the world in 2015 were not properly licensed (a decrease from 43% in BSA’s previous global study published in 2014)
1 %
worldwide rate of unlicensed use in banking, insurance and securities industries (despite the fact that much tighter control of the digital environment is expected)
1 billion
The commercial value of unlicensed software worldwide plunged (BSA’s 2014 report cited commercial value of $62.7 billion)

Case Studies

IDENOS Brochure

SecureDongle was built based on advanced microprocessor smart chip which has been certified by EAL4+ and ITSEC.


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