Authentication Gateway with Adaptive Intelligence
Advanced Authentication Solution
CENTAGATE® is a gateway that provides various kind of authentication services for corporate Web, client/server, and existing applications. CENTAGATE® is also a comprehensive authentication and fraud detection platform with its Adaptive Intelligence System. It implements a risk and rules based approach with extra additional Identity assurance such as out-of band (OOB) authentication.
CENTAGATE® is an on-demand authentication management solution that enable cloud-based services to adopt strong multi-factor authentication seamlessly. Together with its Adaptive Intelligence, CENTAGATE® is a perfect solution for enterprise applications that are now rapidly moving to a secure, cloud-based services.
CENTAGATE® is an on-demand authentication management solution that enable cloud-based services to adopt strong multi-factor authentication seamlessly. Together with its Adaptive Intelligence, CENTAGATE® is a perfect solution for enterprise applications that are now rapidly moving to a secure, cloud-based services.
CENTAGATE® Turnkey Solution
CENTAGATE® is a Common Criteria EAL 4+ Certified enterprise class advanced authentication solution that can enable enterprise to establish a single authentication platform for enterprise wide applications. CENTAGATE® is built-in with support for Multiple Form Factors, Multiple Channels, Multiple Interfaces and Multiple Steps. CENTAGATE®’s patented hybrids Risk Scoring engine can effectively predict and defend against unknown suspicious attack even before it happen.
CENTAGATE® is one of Securemetric’s latest patented innovations with the target to enable Authentication As A Platform, as an on-demand Centralized Identification and Access Management system to fulfill enterprise wide authentication needs. CENTAGATE® designed to be highly robust, scalable, flexible, platform independent, with component based architecture using JAVA EE technology.
CENTAGATE® is one of Securemetric’s latest patented innovations with the target to enable Authentication As A Platform, as an on-demand Centralized Identification and Access Management system to fulfill enterprise wide authentication needs. CENTAGATE® designed to be highly robust, scalable, flexible, platform independent, with component based architecture using JAVA EE technology.

Key Features:
Multiple Form Factors
CENTAGATE® built-in support for SMS OTP, OTP Token, Mobile OTP, CR Token, Mobile CR, QR Code, PKI Token, Mobile PKI, FIDO Token, Challenge Questions and Answers, static password with policy, and list goes on. CENTAGATE® offers as centralized Identity Management with highly flexible yet comprehensive authentication form factor options, surely one or more will fit into your requirements.
Multiple Interfaces
CENTAGATE® supports various different integration interfaces such as WebSSO using SAML 2.0, Web Service APIs through RESTful APIs, Radius Protocol and FIDO U2F standard. Generally CENTAGATE® supports on any JAVA, PHP, ASP, ASP.Net or any other web applications that can call Web Services methods. It can also be integrated to any compliant devices, such as Firewall, networking devices, and other closed source applications which provides Radius protocol compatibility or SSO via SAML2.0 integration. CENTAGATE® helps organization achieve the objective of “One-For-All Authentication Platform”.
Multiple Channels
Multiple channels during authentication could effectively helps to prevent real-time attacks include Man-In-The-Middle/Browser and real-time phishing/Pharming. CENTAGATE® provides different channels via PC, Out-Of-Band Mobile Push, QR Code Scanning and SMS. Whenever needed, the system will authenticate a user through multiple channels to increase the security strength.
Multiple Steps
CENTAGATE®’s Hybrid Risk Scoring engine is a patented comprehensive authentication fraud detection platform that is designed to measure the risk and rules associated with a user’s login together with its post-login activities by evaluating variety of risk indicators such as Operating System, Browser, IP Address/Location, Time and Transaction Behavior (only for customised project). Whenever the system detects any scenarios that are high risk, it will trigger additional steps of authentication through different channels. This method can effectively detect suspicious transactions, even before it could happen.
Secured Mobile Token
CENTAGATE® provides native mobile application compatible with iOS and Android devices which has built-in strong cryptographic mechanisms that can be used as a reliable security token. CENTAGATE®’s Mobile SDK will be provided to facilitate client mobile application integration.
Transaction Authorization/Signing
CENTAGATE® supports 3 different security level methods to authorise transaction,
• Transaction Authorization Code (low security)
Request a SMS/OTP code to be keyed in as to authorize a transaction.
• Transaction Signature Code (medium security)
An OTP signature to authorize a transaction will be generated after an input data provided by the client application.
• Digital Signature Solutions (high security)
User will sign the transaction digitally using PKI (either hardware token or token) where a PKCS#7 digital signature format will then be validated by CENTAGATE®.
• Transaction Authorization Code (low security)
Request a SMS/OTP code to be keyed in as to authorize a transaction.
• Transaction Signature Code (medium security)
An OTP signature to authorize a transaction will be generated after an input data provided by the client application.
• Digital Signature Solutions (high security)
User will sign the transaction digitally using PKI (either hardware token or token) where a PKCS#7 digital signature format will then be validated by CENTAGATE®.
-Secure Communication
SecureDongle is built also with advanced encryption/decryption on communication between firmware and hardware to prevent debugging and emulator attacks.

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CENTAGATE® Turnkey Solution
CENTAGATE® Turnkey Solution
CENTAGATE Turnkey solution is a comprehensive end-to-end customisable turnkey option where the CENTAGATE system will be hardened into a selected branded server appliance according to the project’s performance expectation, together with FIPS Level 3 certified HSMs and needed professional services to implement it according to the industrial best practices.
*Common Criteria EAL4+ Certified CENTAGATE Software
*FIPS140-2 Level 3 Certified HSMs
*Proposed Server Appliances
*Software Customization
*Turnkey Project Implementation
*Common Criteria EAL4+ Certified CENTAGATE Software
*FIPS140-2 Level 3 Certified HSMs
*Proposed Server Appliances
*Software Customization
*Turnkey Project Implementation

Key Features:

Highly Secure
Common Criteria EAL 4+ Certified CENTAGATE® core software combine with Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 Level 3 Certified Hardware Security Module. CENTAGATE® will be hardened into a proposed branded server appliance which best fit the project performance expectation.

Single Enterprise Authentication Platform
CENTAGATE®’s Centralised Multi-Factors Authentication management features together with its multiple integration interfaces make it the perfect choice as “One-For-All Authentication Platform”, just one to fit all your authentication needs.

Authentication Fraud Detection Capability
CENTAGATE®’s patented Hybrid Risk Scoring engine provide remarkable layer of defend against potential attacks on User Login/Transaction Authorization. It helps client application to detect suspicious activities even before it happen via its combination of Rules and Risks based evaluation mechanisms.

System Localization and Customization
With CENTAGATE® Turnkey solution, we are willing to customize our system to best fit into your project. Our subject experts will try to understand your project requirements and eventually propose the solution that can address all your pain points nicely.

Competitive Pricing
SecureMetric offers CENTAGATE® in highly competitive and transparent pricing model together with much lower man day rate by comparing to similar solutions offer by our Western competitors. You will certainly save more by choosing us.
-Secure Communication
SecureDongle is built also with advanced encryption/decryption on communication between firmware and hardware to prevent debugging and emulator attacks.

SecureDongle Brochure
Smarter way to protect your sfotware!
CENTAGATE BOX is a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant secure hardware appliance that integrated with Common Criteria EAL4+ Certified CENTAGATE software.
*Common Criteria EAL4+ Certified CENTAGATE Software inside a physical secured hardware compliant to FIPS140-2 Level 3 (Q3, 2018)
*No low level access to hardware and software
*Controlled (well defined) interfaces
*Signed and encrypted software packages
*Protected OEM software stacks
*Secure reset cycle deleting all secrets (zeroization)
*Touch Screen front panel
*Common Criteria EAL4+ Certified CENTAGATE Software inside a physical secured hardware compliant to FIPS140-2 Level 3 (Q3, 2018)
*No low level access to hardware and software
*Controlled (well defined) interfaces
*Signed and encrypted software packages
*Protected OEM software stacks
*Secure reset cycle deleting all secrets (zeroization)
*Touch Screen front panel

Key Features:

All-In-One Appliance Based Solution
CENTAGATE® Box include everything you need to setup your enterprise authentication with a single Made in Germany 2U appliance. Its hardware architecture is designed based on rigid security requirements (FIPS 140-2 Level 3) similar to Hardware Security Module with the proprietary security firmware as the base while the CENTAGATE® software on top of it.

Highly Secure
Common Criteria EAL 4+ Certified CENTAGATE® core software combine with Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 Level 3 Certified physical hardware appliance (expected to be completed Q3 2018). CENTAGATE® is built with maximum security that you can be assure of data and system security integrity within such an temper proof secure execution environment.

Single Enterprise Authentication Platform
CENTAGATE®’s Centralised Multi-Factors Authentication management features together with its multiple integration interfaces make it the perfect choice as “One-For-All Authentication Platform”, just one to fit all your authentication needs.

Authentication Fraud Detection Capability
CENTAGATE®’s patented Hybrid Risk Scoring engine provide remarkable layer of defend against potential attacks on User Login/Transaction Authorization. It helps client application to detect suspicious activities even before it happen via its combination of Rules and Risks based evaluation mechanisms.

Single Point of Contact
With CENTAGATE®’ Box, no more hassles on vendor ping ponging on support issues, just contact SecureMetric and we will be there to serve you. We cover all support issues in regards of CENTAGATE®’ Box, which include Software, Hardware and even faulty parts replacement.

Lower Total Ownership Cost
CENTAGATE® Box aim to change the landscape of authentication market via its highly competitive and transparent pricing model together with significant shorter deployment time via its appliance based out-of-the-box philosophy. Why pay more when you can get more by paying lesser with CENTAGATE® Box.
-Secure Communication
SecureDongle is built also with advanced encryption/decryption on communication between firmware and hardware to prevent debugging and emulator attacks.

SecureDongle Brochure
Smarter way to protect your sfotware!
of software installed on PCs around the world in 2015 were not properly licensed (a decrease from 43% in BSA’s previous global study published in 2014)
worldwide rate of unlicensed use in banking, insurance and securities industries (despite the fact that much tighter control of the digital environment is expected)
The commercial value of unlicensed software worldwide plunged (BSA’s 2014 report cited commercial value of $62.7 billion)

Case Studies
National Cyber Security Agency (NACSA) & Securemetric Berhad
NACSA partners with Securemetric to enhance Malaysia's cybersecurity through FIDO2's passwordless authentication for critical information infrastructures.
Lazada Group’s Transition from EJBCA Community
Securemetric assisted Lazada Group's Transition from EJBCA Community to PKI-in-a-Box
Philippine Clearing House implemented PKI-In-A-Box to secure their clearing system
A significant stride was achieved when the Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) selected Securemetric to furnish and execute PKI-In-A-Box as a pivotal component of their nationwide digital security enhancement within their payment clearing system.
Universiti Utara Malaysia Entrusted Securemetric’s Microsoft Expertise
Since 2018, Securemetric's Microsoft Enterprise Solutions team, in collaboration with Sri Vision specialists, has been entrusted with the management of Universiti Utara Malaysia's IT infrastructure
Turnkey customized EJBCA Enterprise for Vietnam Government Information Security Commission
In the year 2015, Securemetric achieved a significant feat by securing a contract for a comprehensive turnkey PKI implementation for the Vietnamese Government, executed under the aegis of the Vietnam Government Information Security Commission (VGISC).…
Badan Siber Dan Sandi Negara upgraded to EJBCA Enterprise
Charged by the Indonesian government with the pivotal role of establishing and operating the Indonesia Government Certificate Authority, BSSN is entrusted with the issuance of digital identities and pivotal trust services to governmental entities nationwide.

Next Generation Secured & Unified Authentication Gateway With Adaptive Intelligence